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Help us provide free information and support

Help us provide free information and support

raised of
$20,000 goal
Thanks to
45 supporters

As we launch our 2024 tax appeal, I firstly wish to thank everyone, like Kath and Shaun from Geelong in Victoria, who have contributed in their own way to supporting Head and Neck Cancer Australia over the past financial year.  


Head and Neck Cancer Australia couldn’t exist do the work we do without the support we receive from the community. In the last financial year your donations have helped us to support:

  • 140,000 new website visitors
  • 400 calls and emails for information and support
  • 700 webinar participants, 4,600 webinar views
  • 72 translated Head and Neck Cancer animations in nine languages 
  • 2,266 GP and Dentist enrolments in the Head and Neck Cancer education module

Honestly, I didn't even know that Head and Neck Cancer Australia existed until my nurse coordinator mentioned it at the end of my treatment. If I had known that you were there when I was first diagnosed or going through my treatment, I would have made contact a lot sooner."  

"I've now got the HANCA website as a tab on my laptop and I visit it often. It’s important to me because you’re my support, somewhere I can find information and ask questions. And not only for myself but for my husband, Shaun as well. He feels better knowing that HANCA is there to support him too."  

"Just to know that there is a community of people out there who can absolutely relate to what I've been through is so reassuring because not a lot of people in the general community do understand. In the last year I’ve also met a few people in my local community with Head and Neck Cancer and we’ve been able to support each other which has been wonderful.”  

"I always wanted to turn this negative that happened to me into a positive by raising awareness and making sure other people in this situation have the information and support they need. I want to be a part of HANCA. I want to help them grow. I want to be known as the HANCA girl from Geelong!"  

"I really hope people get behind this appeal if they can. It's so important and every donation helps, big or small."

Kath Hoskin, Geelong, Victoria

Each year as the Head and Neck Cancer community grows, we learn more about the depth of support needed in the community and the importance of ensuring people have access to our free resources and support when they need them the most.  

This tax-time, please give generously to support HANCA with your tax-deductible donation before 30 June.  All donations go directly towards supporting HANCA’s core purpose of providing free information, education and support to people affected by Head and Neck Cancer across Australia.  No one should face Head and Neck Cancer alone. 

Thank you. On behalf of the team at Head and Neck Cancer Australia we greatly appreciate your friendship and support.

Kind regards, 

Nadia Rosin, Chief Executive Officer

PS: Good luck Kath and Shaun with your upcoming Head and Neck Cancer Cocktail fundraiser in Geelong kindly supported by the Geelong AFL Masters and thank you for your ongoing support!

Thanks to our supporters
