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Bye bye, Bradley-locks!

raised of
$2,000 goal
Thanks to
26 supporters

Hi there!

This is a fundraiser for Brad and Terry. Brad plans to CUT OFF his locks and donate it to cancer once the target has been reached for Terry!

This dashing fellow is Terry. He is the father of Naomi and Nikita and father-in-law to Brad.

Late 2023, Terry began noticing signs something was not right. He was then diagnosed with a mucoepidermoid carcinoma at the base of his tongue that had also spread to his right submandibular lymphnode. This is a more rare kind of cancer and traditional methods to treat such as chemotherapy do not work, so the only option was the old school "dinosaur" surgery as they call it and weeks of radiation treatment.

Earlier this year Terry started his treatment with a 12hr operation to remove the cancer and reconstruct his throat. He was left with a trach tube to breathe and a nasal tube to feed.

He has come in leaps and bounds and can now talk to a certain extent, can breathe on his own and now has a stomach tube to eat. His radiation treatment is now complete for now and he is now focused on healing and learning to eat again.

Come August, he will have another PET scan and we pray it is all clear!

So, please help us raise funds for the Head and Neck Cancer Foundation Australia so they can continue to research and spread awareness for cancers such as Terry has experienced.

My Updates

15 Jul 2024

Hi everyone!

Thank you everyone for your donating efforts, we are so humbled by your support to such a great cause.

Brads hair cut is booked for next Monday 22nd at 6pm. I will be filming this to share to our social media channels. More soon!

Bye bye, Bradley-locks! has 26 supporters
