Registrations for this event are now closed.
Soup-er Heroes, it's time to warm up, pull out your favourite soup recipes and plan your Soup for the Soul event for anytime in the month of July.
July is Head and Neck Cancer Awareness Month and the perfect time to join in with other people across Australia to awareness and funds to support people living with Head and Neck Cancer in your community.
This is your event, so let your inner creative sparkle! You can host your Soup for the Soul at home with friends and family, at work, a local club or park, or virtually anywhere that hits the spot for you.
Whatever you choose, you are a Soup-er Hero to us and your fundraiser will make a difference by helping to raise awareness of the different types of Head and Neck Cancer, symptoms to look out for and get checked, and the impact Head and Neck Cancer has on people's lives across Australia.
People impacted by Head and Neck Cancer need your support now, more than ever.
So register today and receive a free event kit and
the opportunity to purchase other merchandise to help make your event a success.

Your free event kit includes 2m bunting, 20 Soup for the Soul cups, 2 Head and Neck Cancer ribbons, balloons, awareness posters and postcards, and two cans of Campbell's soup. To help with your fundraising you can also purchase a Head and Neck Cancer Australia Fundraising Kit, Head and Neck Cancer Ribbons, Soup for the Soul Apron, HANCA cap or t-shirt. To view all HANCA merchandise visit our online store.

For people who have been treated for Head and Neck Cancer, a humble bowl of soup is often a lifeline, helping people to survive in the days, weeks and months following treatment when eating and swallowing can be so difficult.
There are no screening tests for Head and Neck Cancer. Awareness, education and early detection is key to improving patient outcomes and saving lives.
There are 5,100 people newly diagnosed with Head and Neck Cancer every year and more than 17,000 people living with the side effects of the treatment, which can stay with a person forever.